B A Sheahan & Associates Ltd.

Bookkeeping And Accounting Firm In Victoria, British Columbia

We have worked in the accounting field for over 35 years. You’ll benefit from our extensive experience.
Services offered by Victoria Accountant/ Bookkeeper: Bookkeeping | Payroll | Tax Preparation

In a world where we mostly communicate electronically, we believe in providing a personal touch and acknowledging our clients’ individual concerns. We want to ensure that our clients find value in our services and that our services are affordable.

B A Sheahan & Associates Ltd. serves across Victoria, Vancouver, North Vancouver, Quadra Island, Burnaby, Langley, and the surrounding areas.

For Bookkeeping and Accounting Services, Contact B A Sheahan & Associates Ltd. in Victoria, British Columbia

Clients We Service

  • Advertising Business

  • Foot Care Specialists

  • Physiotherapy Clinics

  • Auto Body Repair Shops

  • GST Reporting

  • Professional Printing Industrial Corporations

  • Auto Sales Corporation

  • Gymnasiums

  • PST Reporting

  • Bookkeeping

  • Hair Salons

  • Resort Operators

  • Construction & Contractors

  • Incorporation

  • Software Design Corporations

  • Corporate Bookkeeping

  • Medical Clinic

  • Web Design Corporations

  • Corporate Year End

  • Online Marketing Firms

  • Wine Distribution Corporation

  • Dentistry

  • Payroll

  • Farm Operations

  • Payroll Only

  • Florist Shops

  • Personal Tax Preparation

  • Personal Tax Reporting

Why Choose B A Sheahan & Associates Ltd.

  • Experience:
    35 years as a Chartered Accountant equips our firm to provide the Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Tax advice you need.
  • Personal Touch:
    B A Sheahan adds a personal touch.
    Even though we have a computer and cell phone technology, it is still our priority to personally deal with each of our clients.
  • Cloud-Based Accounting:
    Cloud-Based Accounting allows you, the client, to view the current status of your accounts, while we assist in keeping the records current, and providing you, our client, with the information you need to make decisions.
  • Multi-Currency Reporting:
    B A Sheahan offers support for clients making sales in different currencies, and we can assist in drawing this activity together into one meaningful financial report.
  • Payroll Support:
    Our payroll support system will help organize your Payroll, provide the service preparation for each pay period, and see that your employees are paid efficiently, and with all the backup information.

Meet The Team

Cloud Based Accounting Services

Accounting today is in transition. Where in the past, bookkeepers gathered the documentation from their clients, and spent numerous hours separating the receipts and invoices, sorting these items, and entering the various expenses in to appropriate accounts, mostly misunderstood by the client, today’s bookkeeping services are changing.

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  • Lisa Cross

    Quick to respond, reasonably priced. Look forward to working with you in the future.

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  • Kyle Downey

    Professional service with industry leading pricing.

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  • Tom Enns

    Barry and his team were incredibly quick, very helpful and solved my problems in less than 3 days. Highly communicative and quick to respond to emails.

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  • Rachel Lucero

    Barry and his team are very client-centric. They are able to understand our needs for a business purchase. They did such a great job that we have decided to rely on them for our new company's accounting needs as well! 5 stars.

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  • Baiaman Urmatbek

    Barry is an experienced professional. He was easy to work with and we're planning to work with him in the future too.

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  • To Business:

    Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions – Albert Einstein

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    Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there – Will Rodgers

  • To Business:

    Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk, whether it’s starting a new business, whether it’s leaving home, whether it’s getting married, or whether it’s flying into space – Chris Hadfield

  • To Business:

    If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time – Steve Jobs

  • To Business:

    Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing – Theodore Roosevelt

  • To Business:

    There is no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them – Seth Godin

  • To Business:

    And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful then the risk it took to blossom – Anais Nin

  • To Business:

    Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it – Henry David Thoreau

  • To Business:

    You only have to do a few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong – Warren Buffett

  • To Business:

    Every problem is a gift – without problems we would not grow – Anthony Robbins

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